
Concepts by Epicurean

Turning guests into foodies

Experience Epicurean’s delicious food and exceptional service

Mangia Bevi is open to the public for breakfast and lunch. Rent the Cafe at night for special events! 

Bella Cucina is available nightly for special events, contact us to book your next party! 

Epicurean Restaurants

Celebrations are brightest where food is best

Inspired by Larry DiPasquale, Epicurean Restaurants is a division of Epicurean whose core passion is developing locally sourced, innovative restaurant concepts. Backed by 35 years of experience in the food industry, strong local connections and experienced chefs—we are committed to superior food and successful business.

We are dedicated to creating restaurant concepts inspired by fresh, local and innovative cuisine driven by the idea of bringing together family, friends and an ambiance full of celebration.

Additional Restaurant Concepts